La Cinta Corta

Website for an Cultural Organization

La Cinta Corta

“La Cinta Corta” is an artistic-cultural organization based in Ecuador, they work worldwide in colaboration with Private and Public companies. The client needs a website to connect with new partners and showing some of the news and projects they have in progress. We develop a clean website with a robust Content Management System that allows the client to create a post new entries and make changes on its website.

Visit the website

Technical details of the project
Name Description
CMS CMS integrated for post and edit the website
Language React, using Gatsby template for customization
Git Using version Control (git), to track changes requested
Security SSL https:// protocol
Arquitecture Serverless hosting technology, faster rendering

Do you want to know more about this technologies and its advantages? send us an email , we’ll be happy to provide you any details.